Canine Circus Class Spring Session

Every Canine Circus Class is built from the three stages of circus: movement in a line (parade) movement in the round (the ring) and movement in the square (the stage) Ever since Lord Astley started the first circus, the tradition has kept these three elements. Work in the round was the original element that harkens back to the equestrian origin of the circus. Work in the square was an element brought by theater and clowning. The parade influence was originally equestrian and then was taken over by the traveling menagerie element of the circus. Since dog work has elements of equestrian, clowning, and wild animal training, we use all three stages: straight, circular, and square to design our training routines. Every class is designed to improve the dog’s physical conditioning, control, and stress resistance. Like Mondioring Canine Circus Class is designed to be a parallel activity to other types of dog work. Never to replace, but always to augment other traditions. And it's a lot of fun too.